The Long Game

Connecting Dots as a Generalist, Going from Product to CMO, and Lessons Growing in a Mature Category with Shay Howe (ActiveCampaign)

Episode Summary

In this episode, Shay Howe, the Chief Marketing Officer at ActiveCampaign. They discuss Shay's background in product design and engineering and how it has influenced his approach to marketing.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Shay Howe, the Chief Marketing Officer at ActiveCampaign. They discuss Shay's background in product design and engineering and how it has influenced his approach to marketing. 

Shay emphasizes the value of being a generalist and problem solver and shares insights on hiring and managing a marketing team. They also explore the importance of strategic decision-making, self-awareness, and customer focus in driving company success. 

The conversation touches on topics such as automation, creativity in marketing, and the use of AI. The episode concludes with both hosts expressing their gratitude for the engaging conversation.


Show Links

Past guests on The Long Game podcast include: Morgan Brown (Shopify), Ryan Law (Animalz), Dan Shure (Evolving SEO), Kaleigh Moore (freelancer), Eric Siu (Clickflow), Peep Laja (CXL), Chelsea Castle (Chili Piper), Tracey Wallace (Klaviyo), Tim Soulo (Ahrefs), Ryan McReady (Reforge), and many more.

Some interviews you might enjoy and learn from:

Actionable Tips and Secrets to SEO Strategy with Dan Shure (Evolving SEO)

Building Competitive Marketing Content with Sam Chapman (Aprimo)

How to Build the Right Data Workflow with Blake Burch (Shipyard)

Data-Driven Thought Leadership with Alicia Johnston (Sprout Social)

Purpose-Driven Leadership & Building a Content Team with Ty Magnin (UiPath)

Also, check out our Kitchen Side series where we take you behind the scenes to see how the sausage is made at our agency:

Blue Ocean vs Red Ocean SEO

Should You Hire Writers or Subject Matter Experts?

How Do Growth and Content Overlap?

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Listen to more episodes of The Long Game podcast here:

Episode Transcription

Key Takeaways

[00:08:33] The importance of product-led growth 

Shay discusses the significance of product-led growth and using the product as a flywheel to drive customer acquisition and organic growth.

[00:09:30] Transitioning from generalists to specialists 

The conversation shifts to the changing hiring needs as a company grows, moving from generalists who can handle multiple tasks to specialists with niche expertise.

[00:16:54] The importance of prioritization and trade-offs 

Discuss the need for explicit prioritization and trade-offs in company planning to maintain focus and achieve impact.

[00:21:41] Mitigating conflicts caused by different working styles 

The conversation explores strategies for mitigating conflicts caused by different working styles, including self-awareness, hiring complementary team members, and effective communication.

[00:26:28] Growth in a mature market 

Exploration of the challenges and opportunities of growing in a mature market, with a focus on martech and the need for significant scale and innovation.

[00:28:39] Product innovation and word of mouth 

The importance of product innovation in driving organic growth and fostering a community, as well as the role of word of mouth in generating brand awareness and customer acquisition.

[00:35:56] The risk of inaction in marketing 

Exploration of the miscalculation of risk in marketing, emphasizing the downside of sitting on the sidelines and not trying anything at all.

[00:43:10] Using AI for Data Analysis 

Using open text fields to gather information and running it through AI to identify themes and generate insights.

[00:46:31] AI in Marketing Automation 

Using AI to automate tasks like event invitations and personalized content, while still allowing marketers to have control and make adjustments.

[00:51:15] The importance of automation in business 

Automation can help business owners and employees focus on the unique and special aspects of their business by freeing up time and resources.

[00:57:23] Using behavioral and intent-based personalization 

Meaningful personalization goes beyond using first names and company names, and instead focuses on understanding what the customer wants and using their behavioral data to provide value.