The Long Game

​​The Behavioral Science Episode with Erik Johnson

Episode Summary

Erik Johnson discusses behavioral science, decision-making, AI’s role in shaping habits, and how to design systems for better personal and professional outcomes.

Episode Notes

In this episode of The Long Game Podcast, Alex Birkett speaks with Erik Johnson, an applied behavioral scientist and founder of Behavioral Strategies. Erik shares insights on human decision-making, habit formation, and the psychological forces influencing our actions. The conversation covers the intention-action gap, AI’s impact on attention and productivity, and how behavioral science can optimize both personal and organizational performance. Erik explains why environmental design is crucial for habit formation, how variable rewards in social media and entertainment shape behavior, and why the modern world often works against our best intentions. They also explore practical strategies for overcoming distractions, making better decisions, and using behavioral science to drive business growth.

Key Takeaways

Show Links

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Episode Transcription

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