The Long Game

Automating SEO, Getting Executive Buy-In, and Career Growth Through Curiosity with Braden Becker

Episode Summary

In this episode, Braden Becker, the SEO Lead at Faire, an online marketplace for local retailers discussed Faire's SEO strategy, including programmatic SEO and automating workflows.

Episode Notes

In this episode, Braden Becker, the SEO Lead at Faire, an online marketplace for local retailers discussed Faire's SEO strategy, including programmatic SEO and automating workflows. He talked about the challenges of implementing SEO in the B2B marketplace and controlling consumer traffic.

Braden shares insights on building relationships between brands and retailers, balancing high search volume keywords, and using softer signals to assess traffic quality. He emphasized the need for collaboration, experimentation, and prioritization in technical SEO and the importance of buy-in and communication in an SEO program. 

This episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips that can help you navigate the complex world of SEO.


Show Links

Past guests on The Long Game podcast include: Morgan Brown (Shopify), Ryan Law (Animalz), Dan Shure (Evolving SEO), Kaleigh Moore (freelancer), Eric Siu (Clickflow), Peep Laja (CXL), Chelsea Castle (Chili Piper), Tracey Wallace (Klaviyo), Tim Soulo (Ahrefs), Ryan McReady (Reforge), and many more.

Some interviews you might enjoy and learn from:

Actionable Tips and Secrets to SEO Strategy with Dan Shure (Evolving SEO)

Building Competitive Marketing Content with Sam Chapman (Aprimo)

How to Build the Right Data Workflow with Blake Burch (Shipyard)

Data-Driven Thought Leadership with Alicia Johnston (Sprout Social)

Purpose-Driven Leadership & Building a Content Team with Ty Magnin (UiPath)

Also, check out our Kitchen Side series where we take you behind the scenes to see how the sausage is made at our agency:

Blue Ocean vs Red Ocean SEO

Should You Hire Writers or Subject Matter Experts?

How Do Growth and Content Overlap?

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Listen to more episodes of The Long Game podcast here:

Episode Transcription

Key Takeaways

[00:02:30] The potential of automated monitoring in SEO 

Talk about how Daydream, the AI SEO content product, plans to include automated monitoring in its platform, allowing users to receive updates on changes in search results and recommendations for edits.

[00:11:53] Building relationships between brands and retailers 

The platform's mission is to connect retailers with brands they want to keep ordering from.

[00:14:17] SEO and content strategy for a B2B company 

Discussion on how B2C factors influence the company's SEO and content strategy.

[00:18:46] Controlling consumer traffic in a marketplace 

Challenges in controlling consumer traffic in an online marketplace and optimizing pages to attract the right audience.

[00:23:25] Growing SEO Channel 

The SEO channel at Faire is one of the fastest-growing channels and has the potential to become a major acquisition channel in the future.

[00:27:51] Search Volume Pipeline

Explanation of the process of tracking search volume trends and creating templated pages based on popular searches to serve retailers and improve SEO rankings.

[00:34:33] Buy-in and its importance 

Discuss the ongoing process of obtaining buy-in from management and the need for clear communication and delivery of promises.

[00:37:33] Nurturing buy-in and collaboration 

Highlights the importance of being a good communicator, educating the team, and collaborating with others to gain trust and resources for SEO projects.

[00:47:18] The Role of Technical SEO 

Talk about how technical SEO is not a one-size-fits-all function and emphasize the need to understand how search engines work and the challenges websites may face.

[00:50:02] Balancing Curiosity and Priorities 

Explores the struggle of balancing curiosity and necessary tasks in marketing, and the importance of finding the right balance between exploration and core priorities.