The Long Game

Kitchen Side: Signaling Humanity in a Sea of AI, Revival of Long-Form, and Fake Experts on LinkedIn

Episode Summary

In this podcast episode, the speakers delve into the evolving landscape of content creation and marketing in the age of AI.

Episode Notes

In this podcast episode, the speakers delve into the evolving landscape of content creation and marketing in the age of AI. They discuss the future of their podcast, the rise of LinkedIn experts, and the controversy of AI-generated content, including a fake writer scandal at Sports Illustrated. The conversation covers the viral SEO heist AI strategy, the divide among marketers, and the potential impact on SEO. They also explore tactic fatigue, penalties from platforms like Google, and the importance of originality and human connection in content. The concept of a "deep life" and the drawbacks of short-form content are examined, with a preference for in-depth, thoughtful content creation. Concerns about AI's impact on society, job security, and the authenticity of influencer marketing are raised. Tools like SEMrush, Surfer, ChatGPT, and Google Sheets are mentioned, but the emphasis is on the value of ideas over tools.


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What is Kitchen Side?

One big benefit of running an agency or working at one is you get to see the “kitchen side” of many different businesses; their revenue, their operations, their automations, and their culture.

You understand how things look from the inside and how that differs from the outside.

You understand how the sausage is made. 

As an agency ourselves, we’re working both on growing our clients’ businesses as well as our own. This podcast is one project, but we also blog, make videos, do sales, and have quite a robust portfolio of automations and hacks to run our business.

We want to take you behind the curtain, to the kitchen side of our business, to witness our brainstorms, discussions, and internal dialogues behind the public works that we ship.

Past guests on The Long Game podcast include: Morgan Brown (Shopify), Ryan Law (Animalz), Dan Shure (Evolving SEO), Kaleigh Moore (freelancer), Eric Siu (Clickflow), Peep Laja (CXL), Chelsea Castle (Chili Piper), Tracey Wallace (Klaviyo), Tim Soulo (Ahrefs), Ryan McReady (Reforge), and many more.

Some interviews you might enjoy and learn from:

Actionable Tips and Secrets to SEO Strategy with Dan Shure (Evolving SEO)

Building Competitive Marketing Content with Sam Chapman (Aprimo)

How to Build the Right Data Workflow with Blake Burch (Shipyard)

Data-Driven Thought Leadership with Alicia Johnston (Sprout Social)

Purpose-Driven Leadership & Building a Content Team with Ty Magnin (UiPath)

Also, check out our Kitchen Side series where we take you behind the scenes to see how the sausage is made at our agency:

Blue Ocean vs Red Ocean SEO

Should You Hire Writers or Subject Matter Experts?

How Do Growth and Content Overlap?

Connect with Omniscient Digital on social:

Twitter: @beomniscient

Linkedin: Be Omniscient

Listen to more episodes of The Long Game podcast here:

Episode Transcription

Key Takeaways
[00:00:00] The rise of LinkedIn experts and skepticism surrounding AI-generated content
This topic discusses the increase in LinkedIn experts and their lack of implementation skills, the use of AI tools in content production, and the skepticism surrounding AI-generated content.
[00:02:10] Controversy surrounding Sports Illustrated's use of AI and fake writer profiles
This topic explores the recent news article about Sports Illustrated using AI and fake writer profiles, and the implications of such practices on building trust and human connection in content.
[00:03:57] The viral SEO heist AI strategy and its impact on traditional SEO strategies
This topic delves into the viral SEO heist AI strategy, the divide in opinions among marketers, the potential impact on traditional SEO strategies, and the need for differentiation in content creation.
[00:09:55] The rise of long-form content
Discussion on the shift towards long-form content and the desire for more meaningful and in-depth writing.
[00:15:51] The dark forest theory of the internet
Exploration of the dark forest theory and its application to the online space, highlighting the prevalence of bots and the need for humans to hide in closed spaces.
[00:17:27] Questioning the authenticity of online interactions
Considering the challenge of distinguishing between humans and AI-generated content online and the implications for trust and credibility on the internet.
[00:18:55] The rise of AI in content creation
Discussion on the use of AI tools in content production, including mass emails and mass content creation, and the potential impact on traditional SEO strategies.
[00:19:24] Skepticism towards AI-generated content
Exploration of the skepticism and disregard towards AI-generated outreach and comments on platforms like LinkedIn, and the need for differentiation in content creation.
[00:22:24] Controversy surrounding AI-generated content
Analysis of the Sports Illustrated controversy, where AI-generated content and fake personas and writers were used, leading to negative reactions from readers due to the lack of human involvement.
[00:28:38] The skepticism surrounding AI-generated content
Discussion on the skepticism and backlash towards AI-generated content and the slow adoption by the average person.
[00:29:09] The controversy surrounding Sports Illustrated's use of AI and fake writer profiles
Exploration of the controversy surrounding Sports Illustrated's use of AI-generated content and fake writer profiles, and its impact on content production.
[00:30:29] The potential impact on traditional SEO strategies
Discussion on the potential impact of AI-generated content on traditional SEO strategies and the need for differentiation in content creation.
[00:42:10] The rise of LinkedIn experts
Discussion about the skepticism surrounding LinkedIn influencers and the trustworthiness of their advice.
[00:44:02] Exploring AI as a waste of time
Exploration of how broken processes and infrastructure can render AI implementation ineffective in marketing.
[00:46:05] Problematic brand deals with B2B influencers
Concerns about transparency and regulation in paid brand deals on LinkedIn, potentially leading to shady practices.
[00:47:20] The rise of AI tools in content production
Discussion on the use of AI tools like SEMrush, Surfer, and ChatGPT in content production and their effectiveness.
[00:47:41] The need for differentiation in content creation
The speaker talks about going back to pen and paper and focusing on generating unique ideas rather than relying solely on tools for efficiency.
[00:48:02] The DIY approach to tooling and investing in the right tools
The speaker discusses the tendency to purchase or subscribe to tools thinking it will magically improve productivity, but emphasizes the importance of starting with the basics and investing in tools as needed.